5 Things You Should Do Before Creating Your Website

5 Things You Should Do Before Creating Your Website


you’re finally ready to create your own website. Congratulations! If you’ve chosen to make it with Wix, you’ve chosen well. We could go on and on about how gorgeous our templates are, how intuitive our drag n’ drop editor is, or how the Wix App Market is chock full of amazing Apps that will liven up your site – but once we start we tend to get carried away. Even though the Wix editor is easy to use, we know that sometimes it takes a little inspiration to get started. We’ve come up with a checklist and some online resources to help make the process even easier.

5 Things to Do Before Creating your Website


Text (or web copy) is the backbone of your website. It can attract clients if presented the right way or  it can scare them off when it lacks focus or has typos. Paying close attention to what you write and how can make a huge difference. Think of an average reader – use clear and accessible language that everyone can understand. Make sure what you’re offering is obvious and highlight the reason they should buy it from you. Most importantly, don’t exhaust your visitors with long, ‘essay’ style texts. These days what people respond to best are strong images with short, elegant descriptions (think of Pinterest, for example). An average website consists of a home page, an ‘about’ or bio page, ‘portfolio’ or ‘products and services’ page, and a ‘contact’ page. Make sure you have the appropriate text for all pages and consider whether your business requires additional or alternative pages.
5 Things to Do Before Creating your Website
Recommended reading:


Every small business can benefit from a logo. They convey your values, tradition, and business’ identity – in essence, your brand. If you’re not sure what your brand is, ask yourself some questions: is your business all about fresh, modern, innovative products? Is it about offering the cheapest prices for services in your field? Maybe it’s all about tradition, privacy and confidentiality? Whatever your line of business is, make sure your logo represents you right.
5 Things to Do Before Creating your Website
Recommended reading:

Company Name

If you haven’t yet chosen a name for your company, think about what your URL will look like. You don’t want a website that reads “franksfunkyamazingtshirts.com”. Short, clear names are easier to understand and look great online. Make sure you choose a name that is easy to spell and pronounce and that doesn’t have an unfortunate double meaning. Create a list with a few possible names and run them by your friends and family – they’re sure to have some opinions to offer. If you’ve already have a name for your company, do your best to work it into a URL that will be easy for people to remember. So, if your company is called Frank’s Funky Amazing T-shirts – shorten it so your domain looks like this: franksfunkytees.com.
5 Things to Do Before Creating your Website
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A business website requires different photos: photos of your products, a portrait photo for the ‘about’ or ‘bio’ section, an introductory photo for your home page, etc. Since we’re living in the age of images, you need to choose your images carefully and make sure they’re high-resolution and the best possible quality. Stock photo websites are a good source of good photos but you should use them as your last,  not first, resort. Strong, original photos have an appeal that no stock photo can compete with. Once you upload your photos, check for image-text synchronization and verify that your image and text echo and confirm each other.
5 Things to Do Before Creating your Website
Recommended reading:


Spend some time exploring other websites. Pay close attention to things like images, text, ease-of-use, navigation, and branding. Make a list of things you like and a list of things you should absolutely avoid.


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