Adding Background Images To Windows Drives
Isn't it cool to have great wallpaper for your desktop but it might be more fun to have amazing background images for your drives. Drives Background Imageis a Windows freeware application that allows you to set a wallpaper for each disk drive on your computer. This program is very easy to use you only need to select wallpaper for yourbackground, it also provide option to change icons of your drives, changing text color and it provide instant preview of your selected settings. But keep in mind that Windows 7 users need administrator privileges while running this program, as the applicationattempts to modify the configuration of the local hard drives. Its pretty nice program for window customization and every one should try this tool. Follow below steps to download and learn to use this program.
Features of the program:
- Autodetect Available Drives
- Set Background To Multiple Drives
- Remove Background From Multiple Drives
- Set Icons To Multiple Drives
- Remove Icon From Multiple Drives
- Auto Recover Default Icons
- Events Log
- Drive Preview
- Icon Preview
- Easy Clean GUI
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